Research Projects
Internal Gravity Waves in Massive Stars
This project revolves around understanding the role of internal gravity waves (IGW) in massive stars, both their angular momentum transport and the chemical mixing they may induce. This project is currently funded both by STFC and NASA. The results of our numerical simulations are compared to asteroseismic and other observations. In particular, our team works in close collaboration with Prof. Conny Aerts and her team, (KU Leuven) all experts in asteroseismology (see photo of our first joint ERC/STFC group meeting).
Personnel: Philipp Edelmann, Rathish Ratnasingham and T. Rogers
Magnetism in hot Jupiters
This project involves understanding the role magnetism plays in the atmospheric dynamics and overall structure of hot Jupiters. This investigation has two main themes. First we want to understand how magnetism affects observed phase curve observations and possibly affects the radius inflation of these planets. Second, we want to understand the fundamental MHD processes associated with the conductivity variations due to the large day-night temperature difference in these planets. This project is funded by Leverhulme and NASA.
Personnel: Alex Hindle, Natalia Gomez-Perez, Paul Bushby and T. Rogers
Wave Generation by Convection
As a side project I'm always concerned with the spectrum of waves generated by convection. This spectrum is important as it determines how effective waves are at transporting angular momentum and mixing species.